Your privacy is fundamental to the professionals at BluestemUSAsm, and we are committed to protecting your information.
To maintain high quality service, the collection and use of personal and business information may include your email address, home and work addresses, telephone numbers, web domains names and IP addresses, demographics such as age, gender and interests, and additional information provided that is critical to serving your business needs.
BluestemUSAsm does not share, sell, rent or lease its customer information, addresses or email addresses to third parties. We may contact you to provide information relating business clients, updating contacts, with news articles, or to stay in touch regarding our business activities, such as advising you of particular opportunities we feel may interest you. In the future, as new business clients engage us, we may send you a profile of those business opportunities that may be a fit for you based on the acquisition criteria and financial resources indicated in the information that you provide us. Our transmissions may be by email, postal mail or other common means of business communications.
We may share the information you provide with our Buyer or Seller Clients with respect to businesses about which you have inquired or with which we believe you may have an interest in considering for entering a business review, discussions, or a transaction. This information is provided upon request by our clients, who will usually make such a request prior to meeting with you in person or considering a proposal from you. Our clients generally expect your full financial disclosures will be included as an exhibit to the final sale or purchase agreement for their business and that you will represent and warrant the accuracy of your financial data at that time.
Without your permission, we will not share your profile information with anyone other than our clients or their advisers. Third parties we affiliate with are prohibited from using your personal information except to provide their services to BluestemUSAsm on your behalf, and these affiliates are required to maintain confidentiality. In addition, BluestemUSAsm will not use or disclose sensitive personal information. The BluestemUSAsm website privacy policies include all the general privacy policies described in this document.
BluestemUSAsm tracks the usage data associated with its website including names of referring websites, total numbers of visits on given dates, times of day, and other technical and statistical data that guide us making improvements to our website and marketing strategy.
Other than in the course of business and according to policies described herein, BluestemUSAsm may disclose your personal information obtained through your use of the website or on paper, if required to do so by law or in the good faith belief that such action is necessary to (a) comply with current law or legal process served on BluestemUSAsm, (b) protect and defend BluestemUSAsm rights or property, and (c) act under exigent circumstances to protect the personal safety of users of BluestemUSAsm or the public.
BluestemUSAsm honors the confidential nature of client data. Confidential buyer or seller profiles provide the synopsis required for potential acquirers without divulging sensitive data. Qualified potential prospects must sign a Confidentiality Agreement.