Air Power Supply Co – APSCO
a pneumatic equipment manufacturer
has been acquired by
A Private Investment Group
a manufacturer of pneumatic cylinders and controls

IBG Business principals served as advisors to the seller.
Valve actuator equipment
has been acquired by
a manufacturer of valve actuation equipment

IBG Business principals served as advisors to the seller.
Young Oil Tools
an oilfield valve manufacturer
has been acquired by
YOT Valve, LLC
a manufacturer valves

IBG Business principals served as advisors to the seller.
Automated Mail Services
A mail processing service
has been acquired by
Executive Management Solutions, LLC
a family investment firm

IBG Business principals served as advisors to the seller.
Acme Environmental, Inc.
an environmental products manufacturer
has been acquired by
A Private Investment Group

IBG Business principals served as advisors to the seller.
A Private Investor Consortium
an oil and gas royalties and properties co.
Oil & Gas Production Loan Packages
an oil and gas production co.

IBG Business principals served as advisors to the buyers.
Bloss Sales & Rentals
an equipment and rental business
has been acquired by
A Family Owned Investment Group
equipment saels and rentals

IBG Business principals served as advisors to the seller.
Texas Valve
an oilfield valve and fittings manufacturer
has been acquired by
Jet Valve LLC
a manufacturer of oilfield valves and fittings

IBG Business principals served as advisors to the seller.
a corporate interior and leasing business
has been acquired by
Zunis Street, LLC
a corporate interior and rental business

IBG Business principals served as advisors to the seller.
Maple Propane
a propane distribution business
has been acquired by
S&N Propane
a regional propane distributors

IBG Business principals served as advisors to the seller.
Elliott Truck Line
a 48 State Trucking Business
has been acquired by
Custom Commodities, Inc.
a national truck transport operations

IBG Business principals served as advisors to the seller.
Sesco – Schmoldt Engineering
a manufacturer of cathodic protection equipment
has been acquired by
A Private Investment Group

IBG Business principals served as advisors to the seller.
Contech Manufacturing
a steel fabricator
has been acquired by
Contech Enterprises, LLC
a manufacturer of steel safe rooms

IBG Business principals served as advisors to the seller.
A Private Consortium
a group of private investors
provided secured lending
A Book Publishing & Marketing Business
a publisher

IBG Business principals served as advisors to the borrower.
Hardwall Fabricators
a manufacturer of precast concrete structures
has been acquired by
Rosecon Pipe
a manufacturer of precast concrete structures

IBG Business principals served as advisors to the seller.